Veilchenweg 23, 23626 Ratekau, Germany
+49 1520 1959 219

7 keys to perfect lathe cutting of rubber gaskets

7 keys to perfect lathe cutting of rubber gaskets

  1. Rubber compound
    1. High X linking density
    2. Good ratio between filler and plastisizer
    3. High tear resistance
  2. Blade
    1. Hard surface, treated or Tungsten Carbide
    2. Fine grains for perfect surface
    3. Slim (asymmetric cutting angle)
    4. Circular for best surface, pin ended for high speed
  3. Lubricant
    1. Low friction
    2. Low viscosity (can be even compressed air)
    3. Environment friendly
  4. Machine
    1. Precise
    2. Solid, low vibration, heavy
    3. Compact
  5. Spindle
    1. Loose or tight fit
    2. No longitudinal tension (air support)
    3. Well centered
  6. Speed / feed rate
    1. Rpm*dia must fit to compound and blade
    2. Feed rate in constant relation to speed
    3. CNC axis better than curved cam control
  7. Position (of blades)
    1. Exact orthogonal to hose axis
    2. Below centre for pin end blades (depending on direction)
    3. On centre for circular blades


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