How poor project management can lead to unexpected future losses
The world of mass production is tough and competitive. Capacities / head count have been reduced to the minimum. In addition, I am observing an increasing lack of qualification / technical expertise.
One of my services is to improve existing production processes – or straight forward, cut cost. It is surprising, how daily routine is keeping us from optimising our key business.
I can see a repetition of common factors, no matter the size of an enterprise, that are leading to delays and increased cost when ramping up a new production.
A delay in (cost saving or new production) process has direct impact on the life cycle curve. Less turn over and lower profits, even losses, are a direct result.
External project support and early stage (external) project assessment can help you to
– create the correct scope
– finish in time
– have a realistic budget
– minimise the risks
– co-ordinate and select the team members
– select the right – maybe new – suppliers
– and (sometimes) stop a project, even if it hurts.